• Lawn Care and Maintenance

  • Lawn Care is often thought of as just mowing the lawn. The reality is it involves so much more than that. Some simple things like what height to cut your lawn are not even thought of by the average homeowner. That’s why is best to hire a professional lawncare company to handle your Lawn Care and Maintenance needs.

    Creating a beautiful lawn takes a lot of preparation and work. From Spring Cleanups to Dethatching the team at Lightning Strikes Tree and Landscape will keep your lawn looking pristine. There’s a plethora of treatments and techniques to having the best lawn on the street. It usually starts with a beginning of the season spring cleanup. Once everything is up and you can see the condition of the lawn you probably will start with pre-emergent. Its best to lay this down when the temperatures are down in the 50’s and after cutting the grass. Some homeowners also request Mosquito and Tick treatments. There are now organic options to almost all treatments as well that are environmentally friendly and pet and human safe. Whichever application you choose our Landscape Team will be with you every step of the way.